How long have you been a writer?
I’ve always liked to write. I’d write stories, or
lists, or letters, or just about anything. But I didn’t start
being a writer as a job until after I grew up and became a mom.
I didn’t know then that anybody could be a writer. And it took
me even longer to figure out that I could be an artist, too.
Where do you get your ideas?
Sometimes someone will give me an idea. For example,
my editor will say "Can you write a story about breakfast?"
But the stories I have the most fun with are the stories that come
when I practice using my imagination. Just like my muscles, I
have to exercise my imagination. So if I see a lady with a
basket on her bicycle, I imagine what kinds of things she might
carry in it and who she might visit with those things and
before I know it, I have a story!
Do you have pets?
Yes, we have lots of fish, and a snail named Thank You.
Do you have a pig?
No, we don’t have a live pig. But we had a toy pig
that traveled with us everywhere when one of my kids was small,
and now I have a collection of flying pigs that people have
given me since my first book, When Pigs Fly, was published.
How many books have you written?
I have three books that have been published (to see them, click
here). And I
have lots more stories waiting to be made into books. And I keep
getting more ideas!
Do you have a question for me? Would you like to show me some of your
art? Email me
and I’ll answer you as soon as I can. Maybe I’ll even post it
here on the website!